Hi! I'm Jin Xiu. I'm a Interior Designer who graduate from Inti International Subang.

Interactive for family hub is a place where parents and their child can stay away from technology products temporarily. Today’s children are more addicted to technology and condition lack focus or concentration on any task except when it’s done on a gadget. According to the date, 1/3 of Malaysian parents spend less than 4 hours a week playing with their kids. This problem caused a bad relationship between parents and children. And the last of the issue is parent also addicted to the gadget. Parents who are themselves glued to their social media page are not in apposition to convince and advise their kids to control their use of gadgets. Interactive for family hub is a one-stop center for the family. Parents and kids can play and learn together in this center. Let them come here to abandon electronic products, thereby increasing the relationship between parents and children.
The concept of this project was inspired by my client – The Parenthood vision and mission. Their vision and mission are to create an extraordinary place where parents and their children can create special family bonding moments together that they will cherish forever. Therefore, the concept of this project is moment. Choose moment with my concept is I hope they can cherish the happy time with each other. Because time flies, there is not much time to be with each other.

© 2020 by INTI Center of Art & Design. Proudly created by the ICAD Voyage Showcase Committee.

( Made with Carrd )